
STARK COUNTY – Jackson Township, in cooperation with Jackson Local Schools and the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT), is proposing to add sidewalk along the north side of Mudbrook Street NE from Drexel Avenue NW to Cheryl Lane NW.  A crosswalk will be installed to connect the new sidewalk to existing sidewalk on the south side of Mud Mudbrook Street NE. That existing sidewalk extends east to Wales Avenue NW (State Route 241).  The project will also add sidewalk along the east side of Wales Avenue NW from the Mudbrook Street NE intersection north to Pontberry Street NW.  The project also includes the addition of pedestrian signals, curb ramps, and a crosswalk at the Wales Avenue NW/ Mudbrook Street NE intersection to meet Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards.

The proposed new sidewalk will provide safer connection to nearby neighborhoods to encourage and enable students to safely walk to school.  Proposed improvements will be constructed entirely within existing street rights-of-way and lands owned by the Jackson Local School District Board of Education.

This $426,000 project is funded by the Safe Routes to School program. Project construction is scheduled to begin in summer 2026. Through and local traffic will be maintained, and access shall be maintained to all adjacent residences, properties, and intersecting side streets during project construction.

The project is in preliminary design phase and the project design team is seeking any comments you may have.  Project-related issues the public may wish to comment on include, but are not limited to, the effect of the project on residents, historic properties, air quality, environmental resources impacts, etc.

Comments or questions you may have regarding proposed project construction, maintenance of traffic and/or environmental impacts should be submitted by March 13, 2025, to:

Brian Peck, Environmental Specialist Ohio Department of Transportation District 4

Phone: (330) 786-4931

Email: Brian.Peck@dot.ohio.gov