Please review the attached public announcement regarding design services.
Read MoreADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS JACKSON TOWNSHIP, STARK COUNTY, OHIO ADVERTISEMENT FOR COMMUNITY PARKWAY STREET LIGHTING UPGRADE PROJECT Sealed bids for the Community Parkway Street Lighting Upgrade Project will be received at the Office of the Board of Trustees of Jackson Township, Stark County, Ohio, 5735 Wales Avenue NW, Massillon, Ohio 44646 or may be submitted online through the Township’s electronic bidding service at until 4:00 p.m. local time on Tuesday, December 12, 2023. Bids will be publicly opened and read on Tuesday, December 12, 2023 at 5:00 p.m., unless extended by written notice of the change shall be given to…
Read MoreCongratulations to Jackson Amherst Elementary student Caroline Jean Dria for being recognized as the 4th Grade Essay Contest winner!! During the Stark County Firefighters Recognition and Fire Prevention Breakfast Caroline was honored for her essay topic My Monkey in the Oven. Caroline is advising that everyone should check the oven before preheating. Jackson Township Trustee Justin Hardesty presented Caroline with a proclamation signed by the elected officials proclaiming October 11, 2023 as Caroline J. Dria Day in Jackson Township. Also present was her teacher Mrs. Jaime Lenhart and Fire Chief Tim Berczik for this honor. Thank you, Caroline, for your…
Read MoreOn Friday, October 6 during half time of the Jackson football game, Trustee Justin Hardesty presented Ken Douglas with the Jim Camp Visionary Leader Award from the Jackson Local Schools Foundation for his years of service and dedication to Jackson Township. Congratulations Ken!!
Read MoreAmphitheater LED Video Screen Bid Package. Click on the below link. 2023 Jackson Township Amphitheater LED Screen-Bid Packet-091323 Addendum 1 LED-Video-Screen_Addendum1_10112023 Addendum 2 Jackson-Twp-Amphitheater_LED-Video-Screen_Addendum-2_10.17.2023 Addendum 3 Jackson-Twp-Amphitheater_LED-Video-Screen_Addendum-3_10.19.2023 Jackson Amphitheater – Plan Extraction – LED Video Wall Jackson Twp Amphitheater – Plan Extraction – LED Video Wall
Read MoreThe Board of Trustees hired two new police officers at last nights meeting. Congratulations to Officer Haley M. Hiller and Officer Nolan R. Ritchie. Welcome and best of luck.
Read MoreJackson Township Board of Trustees promoted Dustin J. McDannold to the position of Sergeant in the Jackson Township Police Department. Congratulations Sergeant McDannold!!
Read MoreJackson Township Board of Trustees promoted Jason N. Coppock to the position of Lieutenant in the Jackson Township Police Department. Congratulations Lieutenant Coppock!!
Read MoreThis morning, Deputy Chief Rieger and I attended the “Stark County & StarkMHAR Notable Names in Behavioral Health’ Ceremony. Due to his dedication in working with some of our most challenging mental health and drug overdose issues, Inspector Denny Tan, was nominated by the Stark County Health Department, and selected by the oversight committee as one of a few recipients of the ‘Professional of the Year’ Award. Denny has put in a lot of time, both on and off duty, as our organization deals with these ongoing problems within the township. Because of his efforts, the amount of ‘repeat offender’…
Read MoreAs you all have noticed, Jackson Township has had an unusually wet spring. And with all that rain brings rapidly growing grass and weeds to kick off the mowing season. Jackson Township has a policy that stipulates how high your grass can get before you’re in violation of the policy with the length being between 8 and 12 inches. Once the Township receives a complaint in writing from another resident you can expect to receive a courtesy letter from our office letting you, the property owner, know how long you have to correct the situation or to at least contact…
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