Zoning Classification Descriptions

  1. O-S Open Space District. To provide open space and community parks for Jackson Township residents, offering a broad range of recreation, scenic, economic, and ecological benefits. This district is established for the purpose of protecting and preserving the values of distinctive geologic, topographic, botanic, historic, recreational, and scenic areas. Protection of the ecological balances of these areas and conservation of natural environmental resources such as waterways and tracts of forestland is desired by this district.
  2. R-R Rural Residential District. This district is established to accommodate one single-family residential dwelling per lot with or without central sewer and water facilities. A minimum lot size of 20,000 square feet is intended to provide for areas of semi-suburban character in the community and to prevent excessive demands on the sewerage and water systems, streets, schools, and other community facilities.
  3. R-1 Single-Family Low Density Residential District. This district is established to accommodate one single-family residential dwelling per lot. The permitted density is intended to provide for areas of suburban character in the community and to prevent excessive demands on the sewerage and water systems, streets, schools, and other community facilities.
  4. R-1A Single-Family Residential District. The purpose of this district is to allow one single family residential dwelling per lot in areas that are in close proximity to urban centers or adjacent to existing development of such density in areas served by central water and sewer systems.
  5. R-2 Two Family Residential District. The purpose of this district is to permit two-family dwelling units and detached single family units at densities of up to six (6) dwelling units per acre in area served by central water and sewer systems.
  6. R-3 Residential Planned Unit Development District. The purpose of this district is to promote the development of attached and detached single family dwellings in an atmosphere which provides a degree of flexibility in development where final approval or denial for same is given at the conclusion of the amendment process, with a maximum density of six (6) dwelling units per acre for an R-3 attached single family PUD and a maximum of 2.2 dwelling units per acre for an R-3 detached single family PUD. No commercial uses are permitted.

This type of development may occur 1) between residential and multi-family zoning classifications, or 2) between residential and commercial zoning classifications, and 3) shall have access onto an arterial, collector or local street according to the Stark County Area Transportation Study street classification, and 4) as determined to be compatible with surrounding land uses and appropriate for the area when considered within the context of an integrated development plan consistent with the Planned Unit Development concept.

  1. R-4 Multi-Family Residential Planned Unit Development District. The purpose of this district is to permit attached single-family and multi-family developments at densities of up to ten (10) dwelling units per acre. Development shall provide for the efficient development and utilization of community facilities such as water, sewers, and streets.
  2. R-5 Multi-Family High Density Residential Planned Unit Development District. The purpose of this district is to permit multi-family developments at densities of up to twenty-five (25) dwelling units per acre in areas of the community where high-density housing may be desirable.
  3. R-6 PUD Planned Unit Development District. The Planned Unit Development (PUD) District is established to provide a degree of flexibility in the development of single-family and multi-family homes with a density not to exceed eight (8) units per acre. Use of the R-6 PUD is intended to facilitate the preservation of significant natural or manmade features. Limited commercial uses are permitted on parcels of one hundred (100) or more acres.
  4. Mixed Use Campus District.  This district is to allow a classification that blends multiple uses such as commercial, residential, entertainment and recreation into one development that provides pedestrian connections and allows for innovation and flexibility.  The mixed use campus is intended to encourage new development and the redevelopment of underutilized and vacant properties to integrate a variety of land uses in a unified and innovative manner.
  5. B-1 Suburban Office and Limited Business District. This district is established to create an environment conducive to office building sites designed to accommodate professional offices, non-profit organizations, and limited business service activities.
  6. B-2 Neighborhood Business District. This district is established primarily to accommodate the sale of convenience retail goods and personal services purchased frequently or daily for weekly needs. It is intended that the design of this district will encourage groupings of establishments located on a unified site providing adequate off-street parking facilities as well as efficient and safe methods of handling vehicular and pedestrian traffic.
  7. B-3 Commercial Business District. The purpose of this district is to provide for a variety of retail, service, and administrative establishments, which are necessary to serve a large trading area population. This district is also intended to accommodate retail trade establishments in the community that cannot be practically provided for in a neighborhood business district development. This district also includes activities which because of their nature, such as their tendency to encourage traffic congestion and parking problems, storage problems, or certain other inherent dangers, create special problems and are, therefore, best distinguished from other commercial activity. Their location is advantageous at specified points on major thoroughfares and at outlying locations n the community.
  8. I-1 Industrial District. The purpose of this district is to provide an environment for, and conducive to, the development and protection of modern industrial and administrative facilities, research institutions and other similar uses. This district shall also provide for light industrial uses in the field of repair, storage, retailing, wholesaling and distribution, limited manufacturing and processing, free from the encroachment of all residential uses.
  9. C-P Canal Parkland District. This district is established to preserve and protect of the traditional character of the Ohio-Erie Canal Corridor which is characterized by 1) natural open space, 2) support of commercial activities which accommodate visitors and which are consistent with the character of the corridor, and 3) the maintenance of the rustic and rural look of the area with small buildings, natural development and existing landscaping preservation of existing landscaping. This district endeavors to protect and promote the educational, cultural and general welfare of the public through the restoration, preservation and protection of the traditional character of the Ohio Erie Canal Corridor by limiting development to those uses which are consistent with the preservation of the area, will serve to benefit the area.