Jackson Township Police Department
7383 Fulton Drive NW
Jackson Township, Ohio 44646
Telephone: 330-834-3960
Fax: 330-834-3965
Safety Center Administrative Office Hours
Telephone: 330-834-3960
M-F: 8:00am – 4:30pm
Records Department
Telephone: 330-834-3960
M-F: 7:00am – 6:00pm
Dispatch: 330-832-1553
Investigative Division
The Investigative Division of the Police Department consists of Lt. Dan Vaughn who is in charge of the division, which consists of (4) full-time detectives and (1) part-time detective. The Detectives typically deal with a variety of investigations, which are usually felonies or cases of a more serious nature. The Division is supported by (1) clerical employee who administers bad check processing and warrant files, in addition to other duties. Clerical staffing is Monday- Friday from 8:00 am -4:30pm. The phone number to contact the Detective Bureau directly is (330)830-6264.
We also have three officers assigned to the Stark County SWAT Co-Op. The SWAT Co-Op is made up of several officers from Stark County law enforcement agencies, as well as, some agencies from Carroll County. The Co-Op is used when the need for special tactics and skills are needed for dealing with more serious events in Stark and Carroll County.
There is a Tip Line where information pertaining to criminal activity can be left for Detectives and that number is (330) 834-3967
At the current time the following Detectives are assigned to Division:
Full time Investigators:
Detective Lieutenant Dan Vaughn (ltvaughn@jtpd.com)
Detective Brandon Alger (balger@jtpd.com)
Detective Jeff Aynes (jaynes@jtpd.com)
Detective Emily Carver (ecarver@jtpd.com)
Detective Steven Hagge (shagge@jtpd.com)
Detective Gene Matako (gmatako@jtpd.com)