Jackson Township Police Department
7383 Fulton Drive NW
Jackson Township, Ohio 44646
Telephone: 330-834-3960
Fax: 330-834-3965
Safety Center Administrative Office Hours
Telephone: 330-834-3960
M-F: 8:00am – 4:30pm
Records Department
Telephone: 330-834-3960
M-F: 7:00am – 6:00pm
Dispatch: 330-832-1553
Crime Victims’ Resources
Ohio Attorney General Victim Services
VINE (Victim Information Notification Everyday)
Local Contact Information:
Massillon Prosecutor's Office Ph: 330-830-1718
Stark County Prosecutor's Office Ph: 330-451-7897
Crisis Intervention Hotline Ph: 330-452-6000
Victim Resource Downloads:
- If you are a victim and have filed a police report with Jackson Police, you have constitutionally protected rights.
- Some rights are automatic and some rights require your request.
- If you wish to request certain rights and/or make changes to rights you previously did or did not request you must call, e-mail, or complete a new form and return it to the investigating officer, prosecutor, court, prison, jail, or community based correctional facility to ensure officials have updated information on the rights you wish to exercise.